The development of the media and music industry in the Western society is the key topic in my research during my studies at University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna

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. In 2014 I published my PhD thesis, “Musik und Werbung” (“Music and Advertising”), an analyse of the development of the media and music industry and their interaction since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, at Springer Publishing . This book has been downloaded around 18k times already.

Press releases about my research

Here are a few articles/paper I wrote in the past (in German):
BLOG IS WHERE THE HEART IS, thegap Magazin, Juli 2011
(NEUE) MEDIEN- TRENDS UND INNOVATIONSPOTENTIALE, Aus der White Paper Reihe von departure Wirtschaft, Kunst und Kultur GmbH, Juni 2011
BRADED MUSIC, aus kunsträume, Magazin der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, 2010

This year I start to work as lecturer of SAE Institute

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